Jon Ware

Creator / Writer / Producer

I Am in Eskew (2018-2019), The Silt Verses (2021-)


“We [Jon and Muna] met at university, doing a writing degree, so we were being taught - go out and get yourself an agent, write yourself a book …but most of you will fail so don't even worry about it...

Inevitably, then we went and got real jobs and - after a few years, you know, you go - I've got this great idea for a story, but actually... the pain and the suffering of trying to get through an agent’s slush pile, then to the editor's slush pile, then Waterstones' slush pile ...just seemed agonising. 

So I think we did some basic shopping around - checked out some of the great horror short story podcasts that were around at that time, Knifepoint Horror, Magnus Archives, that kind of thing, and just went, ooh, this could be really, really fun and quite exciting - to just do a recording and throw it out into the ether and see anyone gonna like this?”


“Writer of The Silt Verses and I Am In Eskew (also, the voice of David Ward on Eskew). Jon often wonders whether he's just a jumble of Simpsons trivia and self-deprecation. He loves creating weird fiction and horror, and would some day like to get across to writing the great haunted boarding-school novel.”


Read the story behind The Silt Verses.
Or: more general making tips from Jon, and other creators, here.