Alison Skilbeck


Wooden Overcoats (2015-2022)


Agatha Doyle - thoughout the series. Agatha owns the local sweet shop and is a former detective… easily re-activated.”


“Started acting at Oxford University where she read Spanish and French. Long and busy stage career began with five years with Ayckbourn’s company in Scarborough, where she starred in premieres of six of his plays (amongst many others - classical and modern).
        Then to London’s West End, and theatre all over the UK. Toured Europe , Morocco , and Hong Kong, for the British Council, and all over the USA doing Shakespeare.

She has written and performed three 5 star one-woman shows: Are There More Of You?, Mrs Roosevelt Flies to London, and The Power behind the Crone ( celebrating Shakespeare’s older women). She performed the latest, Alison Skilbeck’s Uncommon Ground at the Edinburgh Fringe 2023.

TV credits include Sherlock Holmes, The Biederbecke Affair, Soldier Soldier, Doctor Who, Head Over Heels, Lovejoy, Call The Midwife, Midsomer Murders and The Crown. Films include: Phantom of the Opera, and Holmes and Watson. On radio she was Polly Perks in The Archers, until the character was ‘killed off’!
        During lockdown she starred in Agatha Christie’s
The Lie. She can be seen in Caitlin Shannon’s acclaimed web series Wimpole Street, and of course the whole of WOODEN OVERCOATS!

Alison has been a Freelance Associate Teacher at RADA for 30 years, and a RADA Business Tutor for 20. Professional / Social Media Links - refer to Jo Hole Associates, or Hint of Lime Productions, who produce all my one-woman shows.”


“…get it all in the voice.”

How did you become aware of Wooden Overcoats?
“I was performing at the King’s Head.
Felix Trench, Tom Crowley, DKB et al were on before me - and the rest is…”

What was your aim in getting involved?
“To work with a lovely talented bunch of people and to further my radio experience.”

What was the biggest challenge?
“Probably to remember the characterisation quickly and get up to speed when doing short isolated scenes.

What would be your dream project?
“Transfer/ adapt some of my own one-woman work for radio. And create more - with larger casts… Do more with the Wooden Overcoats team!”

How did you land the role? Any tips for a strong audio reel (or virtual audition)?
“See above. The chaps saw - and heard - me playing Eleanor Roosevelt (and 26 other roles) in my show Mrs Roosevelt Flies to London, and asked me to join them.”

How does acting for audio compare to other media, for you? Any skills or techniques you’d recommend learning?
“Just think of the one person listening somewhere. It’s intimate, though can be utterly OTT. Enjoy the liberty and joy of it - but get it all in the voice. Breathe. Focus. Be specific.”

If your character was an occasional part, how did you characterise them quickly and memorably?
“I focused on my own image of Agatha and her sweeties; her voice ( deep and rather posh); her relish… The writing was so good it was never a great problem. Had to re-create her dirty laugh, though…suspicious, you might say…”