Ellie Dickens


Wooden Overcoats (2015-2022)


“Miss Scruple (Wooden Overcoats).”


“A ‘jobbing’ actor since 1980 in theatre, film, TV - and now podcasts!”

Mandy - Casting Profile

“…it all started with being called in to do one scene…”

How did you become aware of Wooden Overcoats?
“ I was in a fringe play called Monster Hunters - written by
David K Barnes and directed by Tom Crowley - and they invited me to read a short speech in Wooden Overcoats Season One.
        Then they kept bringing me back!.”

What was your aim in getting involved
“Doing a favour for mates!”

What was the biggest challenge?
“Learning how to speak to a microphone.”

Have you continued to work in the field?
“Yes. Miss Scruple developed into a regular character - and in later series I even got a couple of ‘specials’.
        Later, I was invited to audition for David’s
Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later (produced by Rusty Quill Productions) and ended up playing Atia. Rusty Quill also cast me in sci-fi series Of That Colossal Wreck. And one of the regular actors in Wooden Overcoats (Felix Trench) suggested my name to Ella Watts of Six To Start, and so I played Old Mary in The Graveyard Route.
        And it all started with being called in to do that one scene in Season One!”

How does acting for audio compare to other media, for you? Any skills or techniques you’d recommend learning?
“I love not having to learn lines! But I make sure I act the script (not just read it aloud). Learn how to use a microphone - there is definitely a skill involved.”

If your character was an occasional or guest part, how did you characterise them quickly and memorably?
“My original script was funny and eccentric. I thought I might make her slightly sinister - almost threatening - with an odd upward inflection. And it seemed to work. Always good to bring something to a part and see if they like it.”